Ricardo Seiti Yamatogi


Graduated in Veterinary Medicine by Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho – Campus Botucatu, ending in 2004. Residency in the area of sanitary inspection of food by FMVZ UNESP Botucatu for 2 years ending in March 2007. Master’s degree in food inspection focused on food microbiology by FMVZ Unesp Botucatu under the guidance of Prof. Dr. José Paes de Almeida Nogueira Pinto. PhD in the area of Preventive Veterinary Medicine from FMVZ unesp Botucatu under the guidance of Prof. Adj. João Pessoa Araujo Jr. working with food inspection, food safety applied together with molecular techniques. Substitute Professor at UNESP – Botucatu in the area of inspection of Products of Animal Origin during the second semester of 2012. Postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Biosciences under the supervision of Prof. Adj. João Pessoa Araujo Júnior. Collaborating Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science (FMVZ) – UNESP Botucatu (2014-2015). He is currently Adjunct Professor I at the Federal University of Viçosa, in the Department of Veterinary Medicine, and a researcher in the areas of microbiology of food of animal origin, molecular biology related to bacterial pathogens and food safety.

Research lines:

Epidemiology and Quality Control of Animal Products
Biotechnology, Diagnosis and Control of Animal Diseases

Phone: (31) 3612 5611

E-mail: ryamatogi@ufv.br

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