Jackson Victor de Araujo

Full Professor

He holds a degree in Veterinary Medicine by the Federal University of Minas Gerais, a master’s degree in Parasitology by the Federal University of Minas Gerais, a PhD in Parasitology by the Federal University of Minas Gerais and a Postdoctoral Fellowship by the University of Santiago de Compostela-Spain. He is currently a Full Professor at the Federal University of Viçosa, co-advisor and researcher at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, discipline collaborator and co-advisor at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, advisor and discipline coordinator of the Graduate Program at the University of Cuiabá. He has experience in the area of Veterinary Medicine, with emphasis on Preventive Veterinary Medicine, working mainly on the following topics: biological control, chemical control, nematophagous fungi, predatory fungus, animal parasitic nematodes, monacrosporium, nematodes, helminths, Arthrobotrys, Duddingtonia, Pochonia, biological control, nematode-trapping fungi and nematophagous fungi. He has been a researcher at CNPq since 1998. He was a member of the Ethics Committee for the Use and Animal Experimentation of UFV. He was the coordinator of the Graduate Program in Veterinary Medicine at the Federal University of Viçosa, head of the Department of Veterinary Medicine at UFV, Coordinator of the Board of Veterinary and Animal Science at FAPEMIG. Associate member of the Brazilian College of Veterinary Parasitology. and CRMV-MG, member of the editorial board of journals such as Pathogens and Biomedical Research International. He is the Coordinator of the INCT called INOPEC (National Institute for Livestock Innovation) and the creator of the commercial product called BIOVERM.

Research lines:

Biotechnology, Diagnosis and Control of Animal Diseases

Phone: (31) 3612 5629

E-mail: jvictor@ufv.br

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