must be composed of:
The board must be composed of:
05 effective members (Advisor and 4 more participants) and
02 alternate members.
All members of the board must have a doctorate.
There is no requirement for members external to the program or to UFV.
The qualifying exam must be completed by the 6th period of the student’s admission.
Step 1 – The advisor sends an e-mail inviting the members to join the examination board (send a copy to
I would like to invite you to participate as an examining member of the examination board for the qualification exam of student xxxx, PhD student of the Graduate Program in Veterinary Medicine.
The student started his/her training in (month/year), and the objective of his/her research project is xxxx. To date, the following results have already been obtained xxxxx.
Below is the schedule of activities for the qualification examination:
Confirmation of participation in the board: until xx/xx/xxxx
Submission of question(s) related to the research topic: until xx/xx/xxxx (up to 2 questions per member of the board)
Submission of answers to the questions asked to the members of the board: until xx/xx/xxxx (up to 15 days before the qualification date)
Qualification examination: xx/xx/xxxx, from xx:xx hours
Step 2 – The advisor sends an e-mail to the members of the board, requesting the qualification questions (send a copy to
I send you this message only to inform you that you have all agreed to participate in the board of the qualification examination of the xxx student.
I wait for the questions to be sent, initially only to me (advisor), so that I can define which question will be used by each member of the board, organize the test and send it to the student for their proper answers, according to the proposed schedule.
Step 3 – The advisor sends an e-mail to the student, with the guidelines on how to take the qualification examination (send a copy to
Dear Student,
Attached are the guidelines for taking your qualification examination.
This message is copied to all members of the examining board and to the coordination of the PPGMV-UFV, for knowledge and due registration measures. Consider the following information for your qualification examination as part of the Graduate Program in Veterinary Medicine requirements for the title of Doctor Scientiae:
Examining Board:
Effective members:
Name of Advisor, DVT-UFV (president) – examiner 1
Member of the board, DVT-UFV* – examiner 2
Member of the board, DVT-UFV* – examiner 3
Member of the board, DVT-UFV* – examiner 4
Member of the board, DVT/UFV* – examiner 5
Alternate members:
Member of the board, DVT/UFV*
Member of the board, DVT/UFV * x
*Institution of the member of the board
Themes/Questions to be addressed in a literature review:
Examiner 1. Describe the question of the referred examiner.
Examiner 2: Describe the question of the referred examiner.
Examiner 3: Describe the question of the referred examiner.
Examiner 4: Describe the question of the referred examiner.
Examiner 5: Describe the question of the referred examiner.
Schedule: Submission of the material: until the day xx/xx/xxxx.
Qualification examination: day xx/xx/xxxx at xx hs, Department of Veterinary, UFV
Considering the schedule, you will be required to give each of the members of the Examination Board a printed or digital copy of your answers, and prepare a short seminar for presentation on the day of the qualification examination. This seminar should have a maximum time of 30 minutes, and should cover the results obtained in your PhD research so far. This letter is accompanied by a copy for all members of the evaluation board of the qualification exam and for the Coordinating Committee of the Graduate Program in Veterinary Medicine at UFV, for knowledge.
Article 19 – The qualification examination will consist of a test prepared by an Examination Board, covering subjects related to Veterinary Medicine.
- 1. The Examination Board shall prepare a schedule of activities containing: 1) Date for submission of questions to the student; 2) Date of delivery of the answers to the Examination Board; 3) Date of the Qualification Examination.
- 2 – The President of the Examination Board shall send to the Coordinating Committee of the PPGMV a letter containing the evaluation questions and the schedule of activities.
Article 20 – On the date of the Qualification Exam, the student will be evaluated in closed session about the answers elaborated and submitted to the Examination Board, being optional the oral presentation, at the discretion of the evaluation committee.
- 1 – At the end of the argument, the Examination Board will meet, without the presence of the student, to present the final evaluation.
- 2 – The result of the qualification will be released in a proper form that, after signed by all the members of the Examination Board, will be delivered to the Graduate Department of the Veterinary Department.
- 3 – If the student fails, the student must re-qualify, as detailed in the previous items, within six months after the first Qualification Examination, respecting the maximum period of completion of the course.
- 4 – In case of two failures in the qualification examination, the student will be disconnected from the PPGMV.
Article 21 – If the student does not take his/he Qualification Examination within the stipulated period, he/she will receive a concept N in VET 799 – Research.